Our key figures

- End of September 2024 -

Building on the success of its first dated fund, IVO Capital Partners launched its new 2028 fund in October 2022. The IVO 2028 SICAV, classified as "International bonds and other debt securities", seeks to add value over the medium to long term to a portfolio of investment-grade and high-yield bonds with speculative characteristics. Its management objective is to achieve an annual performance of 4.25% net of fees. This performance takes into account issuer default risk, currency hedging and the recommended investment horizon (fund maturity: December 31, 2028).

The fund invests in a portfolio of EUR/USD hard-currency senior bonds with a maximum maturity date of June 30, 2029.

Oct 0

Launch date

5. 0  %

Actuarial yield hedged in euros

+25. 0  %

Performance since launch



169. 0  M€

Fund net assets

2. 0

Fund duration

IVO 2028



Why invest in the IVO 2028 dated fund? What is the management process? Who is it aimed at? In his presentation of IVO Capital Partners' new dated fund, Sales Director Romain Lippe answers all these questions.

Fund performance

Fund Date 1 month 3 months 6 months YTD 1 year 3 years 5 years Since the launch
IVO 2028 (EUR) - Part R 30/09/24 +0.9% +3.2% +4.9% +8.2% +12.3% NA NA +25.1%
  • Past performance is no guarantee of future results. They are given for information only and are assessed at the end of the recommended investment period. Performance is calculated with net coupons reinvested.
  • The value of your investment can go down as well as up, and you may not get back your initial capital. 
  • Debt securities may be subject to significant price fluctuations dictated by interest rate trends, as well as by the credit quality of their issuer. These risks are more pronounced in the case of emerging debt and securities rated below investment grade. 
  • Emerging markets may be subject to less advanced standards of asset custody and trade settlement, display higher volatility and prove less liquid than their developed counterparts. 
  • Currency hedging to minimize the effects of currency movements may not produce the expected results. Investors may be exposed to currencies other than that in which the Asset Class in which they are invested is denominated. Gains accruing to the client may be increased or reduced as a result of exchange rate fluctuations.
  • More detailed information on risks can be found in the Appendix "Risk factors" of the Prospectus. 

Changes in net asset value

Fund characteristics

ISIN code (R) FR001400BJT8
Ticker Bloomberg IVOHJDR FP
Reference currency EUR
Fund launch date October 17, 2022
Managers  Michael Israel, Agnese Melbarde and Thomas Peyre
Vehicle SICAV under Luxembourg law
Liquidity Daily
Investment horizon December 31, 2028
Management company IVO Capital Partners
Auditor KPMG
Minimum subscription 5 000 €
Entrance fees (R) Up to 2% of sales
Exit rights (R) 0%
Number of lines 71
Average rating BB

Partners and Platforms

BNP Paribas Cardif
Pension savings insurance
Intencial Patrimoine
Generali Patrimoine

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