The vision of IVO Capital Partners
Source: Bloomberg and IVO Capital Partners. Emerging Markets Bond ETFs are comprised of the top 20 Emerging Markets Bond ETFs.
The vision of IVO Capital Partners
Source: Bloomberg and IVO Capital Partners. Emerging Markets Bond ETFs are comprised of the top 20 Emerging Markets Bond ETFs.
While Turkey aspires to join the BRICS+, the crucible of de-dollarization, its economy remains closely tied to the US currency. This contradiction...
"The primary market for emerging market corporate bonds plays a central role for our asset class. During the period of monetary tightening, the...
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A changing economy, calling for massive financing from the private sector and international investors
In the global landscape, India is one of the...
Impact of the 2024 presidential elections
Following the presidential election on June 2, which elected Claudia Sheinbaum as President of Mexico, the victorious...
Home to 6% of the world's population on 12% of its land surface, South America is a continent with its own particularities, whose ambition is to...